Ensuring the utmost safety is a paramount concern, and the complexity of surveillance technology necessary to achieve this continues to evolve. Traditional analog surveillance systems are no longer sufficient for modern enterprises. Instead, they seek advanced automated approaches that provide robust security measures and substantial business value right from the outset.

Zinq is committed to delivering exceptional surveillance solutions that effectively meet the security requirements of small, medium, and large enterprises. With our extensive experience as a trusted provider, we have a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by diverse industries. Rather than offering generic solutions, we focuses on delivering industry-specific tailored approaches that cater precisely to our customers' needs. Whether you are managing a single location or a network of over 100 sites, our efficient Centralized IP Video Surveillance system seamlessly captures and documents security incidents from multiple locations.

Zinq specializes in delivering dependable and high-quality CCTV surveillance services. The utilization of CCTV is vital for safeguarding both personnel and properties. We recognize that certain industries operate in rapidly evolving environments, and we collaborate closely with you to ensure the provision of a tailored solution that suits your organization.

Tailored CCTV Solutions Upon conducting an assessment of your commercial property, we will propose the most suitable and efficient CCTV solution to fulfill your specific needs. Our CCTV security cameras incorporate state-of-the-art digital recording services, ensuring clear images regardless of the time or lighting conditions. Strategic installation locations are chosen to provide a visible and effective deterrent against intruders.

CCTV Monitoring Systems

In addition to standalone recordable CCTV systems, we offer 24-hour remote monitoring systems. These systems employ IP cameras that connect to a monitoring center, enabling continuous surveillance from any location worldwide. External sensors can also be integrated into these systems to detect movement. Both the operator and the camera can promptly review images and take necessary actions as needed, granting you complete control no matter where you are.

Our CCTV solutions are designed to operate in diverse environments, providing features such as

Core security and surveillance measures

High-quality video, regardless of lighting conditions

24/7 operation with minimal down-time, zero maintenance

Up to 15 days - 1 month backup of video

Ease of use, for non-technical users

Remote monitoring and and management (LAN, WAN, Mobile)

Our Offerings

IP, Analog, and Hybrid Video Surveillance Camera Systems

We offer a wide selection of IP-based, analog, and hybrid video surveillance camera systems. Whether you require high-resolution IP cameras, traditional analog cameras, or a combination of both, we have the expertise to design and install a solution tailored to your requirements.

Interactive Video Monitoring

Our interactive video monitoring solutions enable real-time monitoring and response to security events. We provide advanced features such as remote live viewing, video playback, and the ability to control camera functions, ensuring you have full control and visibility over your surveillance system.

Local, Network, and Cloud-Based Video Storage Options

We understand the importance of reliable and secure video storage. That's why we offer flexible storage options, including local storage solutions for on-premises recording, network-based storage for centralized management, and cloud-based storage for convenient access and backup.

Integration with Intrusion Systems, Access Control, and More

We understand that security systems work best when they seamlessly integrate with other systems. Our solutions are designed to integrate with intrusion detection systems, access control systems, and other security platforms, creating a comprehensive and cohesive security ecosystem.

Video Alarm Verification

Enhance the effectiveness of your security system with video alarm verification. By integrating video surveillance and alarm systems, we enable prompt verification of alarms, reducing false alarms and enhancing the accuracy of incident response.

Why CCTV Surveilleance

Minimize Losses

Promote Safety

Enhance Visibility

Improve Operations

Receive Real-Time Alerts

Efficient Event Documentation